My New Year’s gift to you

My New Year’s gift to you

It’s the beginning of a new year and I wish you a happy year. I have a gift for you that I hope will help it be so. Although we may not have met, know that you’re important. As you’re reading this, and if you’ve read Good Morning, Life! or any of my social media…

I want to be happy. Where do I start?

A friend recently confided that she doesn’t feel as happy as she’d like to be in her life. She hasn’t been feeling at her best and wants to be happier. Her question to me was simple, “Where do I start?”. I told her, “You’ve already started! The first step is the awareness that you are…

The blame game

One of the most practical lessons I’ve learned on my journey to happiness is the role of blame. When I stop blaming and take responsibility, the road to inner peace becomes much more smooth. I had an “aha” moment the first time I watched this BrenĂ© Brown short video on Blame. I recognized the feeling…

Finding time with mindfulness

Practicing mindful awareness helps me find time to do the things I love. I recently listened to an impactful podcast with Michael Singer, author of The Untethered Soul. Episode 3 is titled Giving Meaning to the Time Between Your Birth and Death. It starts with a reminder of the simple fact that you were born…

How a powerful, simple question changed my life

A few years ago, I learned the power of a simple, well-placed question when combined with an honest response. It can quite literally change a life. As a bank regulator, I ask questions for a living. We query bank leaders – senior management and Board members – about the business to understand and explore its…

The Power of a Dream: One Step at a Time

Have you ever had a powerful dream? A recent dream reminded me that all I can do is live life one step at a time. The Dream In the dream, I was on vacation in Italy. Even though the coronavirus is running rampant, I flew halfway around the world. I was with an older woman,…

The Good Place – a show that gives perspective to life

We found a fun, family show that addresses my favourite topic – happiness. We are always trying to find great TV shows that we can watch together as a family. With two boys (13 and 10 yrs old), along with my husband and I, it is always a challenge to find something we all enjoy….