Happiness superpowers – part 2: curiosity

In my last blog, we discovered that ordinary humans, like Avengers, have superpowers. I learned that trust is a superpower for happiness, and now let’s delve into another happiness superpower – CURIOSITY. And just like trust, the power of curiosity transcends all facets of life – at home and at work. About three years ago,…

Happiness superpowers – part 1: trust

“If you were an Avenger, what would your superpower be?” This is a common question I get from my boys. Like a good mom, I immediately delve into my imagination but nevertheless come up with an unoriginal answer like “fly”, “read minds” or “be invisible.” What I never contemplated is that maybe I actually have…

Who’s More Important, a Doctor or a Priest?

The moment when I truly realized that I am just as important as anyone else was one of those life-changing perspective shifts for me. The lesson started for me one wintery Sunday morning. The Game We were gathered in the large gym at our church for Sunday School. My boys were quite young at this…

You are the CEO of Your Life: Perspective is everything

Do you ever feel like you have little control over things in your life? In a previous blog post, I share how the current pandemic has taught me that I don’t have control over many things in life outside of myself. Happily, I’ve realized that there’s something I control. In fact, I have a very…

The Power of a Dream: One Step at a Time

Have you ever had a powerful dream? A recent dream reminded me that all I can do is live life one step at a time. The Dream In the dream, I was on vacation in Italy. Even though the coronavirus is running rampant, I flew halfway around the world. I was with an older woman,…

For 2021, Set Intentions, not Resolutions. But First . . .

A bright, fresh year is before us. With it comes an opportunity to say goodbye to 2020 and welcome 2021. Focus on gratitude and intentions, not New Year’s resolutions. There is no doubt that 2020 will be a year to remember for everyone around the globe. It dished up a challenge that every country across…

The Good Place – a show that gives perspective to life

We found a fun, family show that addresses my favourite topic – happiness. We are always trying to find great TV shows that we can watch together as a family. With two boys (13 and 10 yrs old), along with my husband and I, it is always a challenge to find something we all enjoy….