I want to be happy. Where do I start?

A friend recently confided that she doesn’t feel as happy as she’d like to be in her life. She hasn’t been feeling at her best and wants to be happier. Her question to me was simple, “Where do I start?”. I told her, “You’ve already started! The first step is the awareness that you are…

The blame game

One of the most practical lessons I’ve learned on my journey to happiness is the role of blame. When I stop blaming and take responsibility, the road to inner peace becomes much more smooth. I had an “aha” moment the first time I watched this BrenĂ© Brown short video on Blame. I recognized the feeling…

My hidden self

When I stopped hiding parts of myself I found freedom and true happiness. When I was a child I was on the shy side. There were moments when I distinctly remember wishing I could be invisible and not have any eyes or attention on me. I just wanted to blend in, shrink back, whatever it…