How I learned to tame my anxious energy

I realized that I have an anxious energy problem during my first coaching experience. It came early in my career when my company had a Life Coach, Joshua Zuchter, come in to deliver a wellness session. He was engaging, insightful and full of optimism, hope and positivity. When he offered a complimentary one-on-one coaching session,…

The blame game

One of the most practical lessons I’ve learned on my journey to happiness is the role of blame. When I stop blaming and take responsibility, the road to inner peace becomes much more smooth. I had an “aha” moment the first time I watched this BrenĂ© Brown short video on Blame. I recognized the feeling…

Labels and limitations – the good, the bad and the ugly

We use labels to describe each other based on characteristics, gender, roles, backgrounds, affiliations, etc. The labels are limitless but their impacts can be limiting. Depending on how identified we are with these labels they can restrain our behaviour, actions and growth. The “Shy” Girl When I was young, I could have been considered “shy”…

Mindful media: Is social media friend or foe?

Social media is like our mind and mindfulness is the key to making it a friend My family and I recently spent a beautiful summer evening on the lakefront in a nearby town. We had a picnic and took a stroll along the water, enjoying the warm weather and lovely sunset. I took some social…

Finding time with mindfulness

Practicing mindful awareness helps me find time to do the things I love. I recently listened to an impactful podcast with Michael Singer, author of The Untethered Soul. Episode 3 is titled Giving Meaning to the Time Between Your Birth and Death. It starts with a reminder of the simple fact that you were born…

My hidden self

When I stopped hiding parts of myself I found freedom and true happiness. When I was a child I was on the shy side. There were moments when I distinctly remember wishing I could be invisible and not have any eyes or attention on me. I just wanted to blend in, shrink back, whatever it…

Change and mindfulness lessons from a kitten

Every day provides an opportunity to practice mindfulness. As we welcomed a kitten to our family and introduced him to his new home this week, he reminded me of lessons in change management and gave us an opportunity to practice mindfulness. Here’s our story. . . How did a “non-cat” person end up with a…

Dandelions and mindset shifts

This spring I was reminded of the importance of awareness, curiosity and openness, which led to a mindset shift. When the spring arrives, so does a subtle dance that my husband and I have when it comes to our lawn and the dandelions that seem to enjoy it. As the yellow plants start to emerge…

The secret to sticking with good habits

Despite practicing mindfulness for almost twelve years, I still need reminders to stay mindful. Even more important than these reminders is remembering the “why” – why am I doing this? Why is it good for me? Understanding the why can have a positive impact on whether or not we stick with healthy habits such as…

How a powerful, simple question changed my life

A few years ago, I learned the power of a simple, well-placed question when combined with an honest response. It can quite literally change a life. As a bank regulator, I ask questions for a living. We query bank leaders – senior management and Board members – about the business to understand and explore its…